About YI
Young Investors (also know as YI) brings a unique and diverse group of talented students together from around the globe for a common purpose: to become friends and have fun while learning how to "Invest young, often, and purposefully." We hope you decide to join our great organization after learning more about us below.
Young Investors, Inc. (also known as YI) was established in September 2003 in Jacksonville, Florida as a Christian, collegiate based organization founded on the principals of investing young, often, and purposefully. YI's corporate headquarters is located in Orlando, Florida and is currently working to expand its YI Chapters to various colleges, high-schools, and faith-based organizations across the United States. YI's goal is to use its programming to teach financial literacy, business acumen, urban economics, and professional ethics to its members.
In addition, YI offers the following perks to its student members: leadership positions; community service awards; scholarships; internship opportunities; and valuable informational trainings on various topics such as goal-setting, building a winning resume, and establishing a career as a new employee. YI sponsors may also be entitled to receiving similar perks as well as bonus compensation and other awards for serving as a YI Faculty Sponsor.
Young Investors, Inc. is committed to the following mission: To serve its community and world-at-large as a Christian based financial organization that emphasizes the importance of teaching financial literacy, business acumen, urban economics, and professional ethics; to have valuable informational training available for both YI members and their communities; and to consistently promote investing young, often, and purposefully.
YI is a proud sponsors of the Revolution Leadership Retreat sponsored by Revolution Leadership, Inc.  Our company also believes strongly in the Biblical principle of tithing and gives 10% of earned income to support Center of Faith Church, a ministry that feeds over 500 families annually through their community food bank.
Dr. J.P. Chisholm is the Founder and Executive Director of Young Investors, Inc.  In this role, he is responsible for all aspects of Young Investors, Inc. including chapter expansion, client cultivation, product development, research, expansion efforts, and marketing in the United States and International Communities.  Dr. Chisholm has over 15 years experience in starting and building companies.
Dr. Chisholm is a proud graduate of Florida State University (FSU) where he completed a BA in English Literature. Â He also completed the Executive Education program in Strategic Finance from the Harvard Business School in Boston. Â Dr. Chisholm also holds a Law Degree. Dr. Chisholm resides in Orlando, Florida.