YI Feature Article
"YI presents its 2019 - 2020 theme, "Financial Literacy begins with Crystal Clear Vision"
Welcome to the 2019 - 2020
School Year in which YI will encourage investing young, often, and purposefully through our theme, "Financial Literacy begins with Crystal Clear Vision." This is our seventeenth (17) Year as YI was founded in 2002.
Our 2019 - 2020 Goal is to use our YI Platform to address financial illiteracy in schools, colleges, universities and churches by providing a crystal clear vision as to what it means to be 1) financially aware and 2) financially savvy (money smart) so that our Young Investors learn to make great financial decisions that will positively impact their future, family, friends, personal finances, and life.
We are rolling out the eight (8) following YI Initiatives:
8 Initiatives to Address Financial Literacy through our Curriculum
#1: 2019 - 2020 YI Agenda & Curriculum
Please click below to download for each month for the 2019 - 2020 School Year.
Sept. 2019, Oct. 2019, Nov. 2019, Dec. 2019
Jan. 2020, Feb. 2020, Mar. 2020, April 2020 (Graduate Debt-Free Seminar)
#2: New YI App. called "YI Inc" for Android & Apple Users
Our new YI App. is called "YI Inc." It allows YI users to interact and engage with YI and our YI content and curriculum in a way that we have never done before.
Five (5) Features of the YI Inc. App
Some of the features include a YI Membership Card that allows YI Members to collect points for being a part of YI that can be used for YI Items and to participate in YI Competitions and events; a YI Stock Ticker, YI Mortgage Calculator, and YI Financial Calculator; a YI Debate and Discussion Forum; and other interactive tools that will allow YI users to engage more with YI and its content and curriculum in an online environment.
#3: YI Easy to Join/Start A Chapter Button
New YI Members and parties interested in starting a YI Chapter can join and/or start a YI Chapter by simply using the YI Easy to Join Button. Click link below to get started:
YI Easy to Join/Start A Chapter Button
#4 YI's 60 Day Stock Market Competition (Feb.1st 2020 - March 31st 2020
Registeration material will be available on Jan. 1st 2020 for this competition.
#5 YI Speech Competition (March 1st - April 2nd 2020)
Registeration material will be available on Feb. 1st 2020 for this competition​.
#6 YI Business Competition
Registeration material will be available on Feb. 1st 2020 for this competition.
Click here to download the free
YI Inc. App on 9.17.19
#7: Investitude Competition
Registeration Material will be available for competiton on March 1st 2020.
#8: Interactive Online Quizzes
Interactive Online Quizzes as part of the YI Curriculum on 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm (Eastern Time).
YI Members can earn points from these quizzes and other YI Activities
Young Investors, Inc. is committed to the following mission: To serve its community and world-at-large as a Christian based financial organization that emphasizes the importance of teaching financial literacy, business acumen, urban economics, and professional ethics; to have valuable informational training available for both YI members and their communities; and to consistently promote "Investing Young, Often, and Purposefully."
Would you like to get involved? There are many ways of contributing to our causes at YOUNGINVESTORS.ORG.
YI Feature Article
YI Welcomes its Newest Members at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina
Congrats to Mrs. Sandra Wells
As Young Investors (YI) Chapter Advisor at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, Mrs. Sandra Wells has done it again and welcomed a new group of Young Investors to the YI Family from Spring Valley High-School in Columbia, South Carolina.
Twenty Three (23) New YI Members
But what's even more extradinary is that Spring Valley High School's YI Chapter has welcomed in twenty-three (23) new members.
Additionally, under the leadership of Mrs. Wells, her chapter continues to thrive in a Spirit of Excellence and her students genuinely love and respect her.
Because of this, Mrs. Well has been nominated for the YI Chapter Advisor of the 2016 – 2017 School Year and the Spring Valley High School YI Chapter has been nominated as the YI Chapter of the Year.
Two Big YI Nominations from SVHS: Chapter Advisor of the Year & Chapter of the Year
Young Investors, Inc. is committed to the following mission: To serve its community and world-at-large as a Christian based financial organization that emphasizes the importance of teaching financial literacy, business acumen, urban economics, and professional ethics; to have valuable informational training available for both YI members and their communities; and to consistently promote "Investing Young, Often, and Purposefully."
Would you like to get involved? There are many ways of contributing to our causes at YOUNGINVESTORS.ORG.